Pengaruh Job Crafting, Communication Skills Dan Work Environtment Terhadap Job Performance Dengan Hubungan Kerja Sebagai Variabel Intervening Pada Pekerja Mikro BRI Kanca Demak


  • Misbakhul Maulana Universitas Muria Kudus



Job crafting, Communication skills, Work environment, Work engagement, Job performance


This study entitled The Effect of Job Crafting, Communication Skills and Work Environment on Job Performance with Work engagement as Intervening Variables on Micro Workers of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Demak Branch. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of Job Crafting, Communication Skills and Work Environment on Employment Relations partially or simultaneously, analyze the effect of Job Crafting, Communication Skills and Work Environment on Job Performance partially or simultaneously, analyze the effect of work engagement on Job Performance, analyze the influence of Job Crafting, Communication Skills and Work Environment on Job Performance through Intervening Variables of Work engagement. The population of this study was 225 workers (either from Internal, Contract or Organic workers), with a total sample of 120 workers. Methods of collecting data with questionnaires and analyzing data using multiple linear regression and path analysis with SmartPLS aplication. The results of this study indicate that there is a significant positive influence in several hypotheses including communication skills on work engagagement, communication skills on performance, job crafting on work engagement, work environment on work engagement and work environment on performance. The results of the other hypotheses show a positive but not significant relationship, including the results of work engagement research on job performance, job crafting on job performance. In indirect research, it shows positive but not significant research results, both communication skills, job crafting and work environment variables at performance (job crafting) with intervening variables work engagement.


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