Health Products And Waste Management Strategies For AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria In Indonesia: Literature Review
DOI: Kunci:
Aids, Malaria, Medical waste, TuberculosisAbstrak
Medical waste is considered a subcategory of hospital waste and includes “potentially” infectious waste generated from health facilities. Safe and effective management of health products and medical waste is a key element in supporting the success of AIDS, Tuberculosis (TB) and Malaria control programs in Indonesia. Therefore, this research aims to provide a systematic review of medical waste management in the AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Program, in order to identify the environmental and social impacts implemented by countries to ensure reliable waste management. The study design used was literature review method. This method is done by searching or collecting articles that have titles that match the theme of the article taken. Despite the challenges, implementing well-planned strategies, supported by strong policies, education, training, and modern technology, can significantly improve the safety and effectiveness of these health programs.
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